সফলতার গল্প পড়তে বা শুনতে কার না ভালো লাগে? অন্যের সফলতার গল্প আমাদের অফুরন্ত প্রেরণা যোগায়, নতুন করে বাঁচতে শেখায়, আরেকবার ঘুরে দাঁড়ানোর শক্তি দেয়। কঠোর পরিশ্রম আর আত্মবিশ্বাস নিয়ে লেগে থাকলে যেকোনো কাজে সফল হওয়া যায়। ব্যর্থতাকে পেছনে রেখে নিজের শক্তি-সামর্থের উপর বিশ্বাস ও আস্থা রেখে সামনে এগিয়ে গেলে সাফল্য আপনার পায়ের কাছে এসে ধরা দেবে। আজকের এই পোস্টে আপনাদের জানাবো বাংলাদেশে অনলাইন ঘটক হিসেবে পরিচিত তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়ার ১০ বছরের সফলতার গল্প এবং এই কোম্পানি প্রতিষ্ঠার পেছনে একজন সফল নারী উদ্যোক্তার কাহিনী।
ম্যারেজ মিডিয়া প্রতিষ্ঠার পেছনের গল্প
ম্যাট্রিমনিয়াল এজেন্সী তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়ার প্রতিষ্ঠাতা হলেন তাসলিমা আক্তার। ম্যারেজ মিডিয়ার শুরুটা করেছিলেন ২০১১ সালে তাসলিমা আক্তার একাই। সাথে কেউ ছিলো না, কিন্তু মহিলা উদ্যোক্তা হবার কারণে ছিলো শুধু সমাজের মানুষের নানারকম নেতিবাচক মন্তব্য। কিন্তু মানুষের কটু কথায় তিনি থেমে থাকেননি, ছুটে গিয়েছেন মানুষের নানা সুবিধা-অসুবিধায়। হাজারো ঘাত-প্রতিঘাত পার করে তিনি সবার ঘরে ঘরে তার প্রতিষ্ঠানের বার্তা দিতে শুরু করেন। ইতোমধ্যেই তাসলিমা আক্তার একাধারে মানবাধিকার ও সমাজকর্মী হিসেবে সমাজে স্ব-অবস্থান তৈরী করে নিয়েছেন। বর্তমানে ম্যাচমেকিং এজেন্সীতে ৫০ জনেরও বেশী কর্মকর্তা ও কর্মচারী আছেন। এ প্রতিষ্ঠানটি হয়ে উঠেছে বহু তরুণের কর্মসংস্থানের নতুন ঠিকানা।
তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়া আসলে কি কাজ করে
তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়া মূলত অনলাইন ঘটক হিসেবে গ্রাহকদের চাহিদা অনুযায়ী বিবাহযোগ্য পাত্র-পাত্রীদের সন্ধান দেয়। অনলাইনে সময় দেন অথচ তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়ার নাম শোনেনি এমন লোক খুব কমই আছে। ট্রেডিশনাল ঘটক এর মাধ্যমে বিয়ের উপযুক্ত পাত্র-পাত্রী খুঁজতে অনেক সীমাবদ্ধতা থাকে আর এর টাকাও খরচ হয় অনেক। কিন্তু আমাদের ম্যারেজ সাইটের মাধ্যমে আপনি নামমাত্র রেজিস্ট্রেশন ফি দিয়েই ম্যাচমেকিং সেবা নিতে পারবেন। আমাদের অনলাইন প্লাটফর্মে এখন ২৫ হাজারের বেশী অরিজিনাল পাত্র-পাত্রী প্রোফাইল রয়েছে যেখানে আপনি পাত্র-পাত্রীর ছবি, জীবনবৃত্তান্ত, শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতা, পেশা ইত্যাদি সবকিছুই জানতে পারবেন।
আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটে শুধুমাত্র তাদেরই প্রোফাইল রয়েছে যারা বিয়ের ব্যাপারে সিরিয়াস। এজন্য আমাদের সাইটের মাধ্যমে প্রতারিত হবার কোনো সম্ভাবনাই নেই। আমাদের ম্যারেজ মিডিয়াতে পাত্র-পাত্রীদের প্রোফাইল পছন্দ হলে সাথে সাথে ম্যাসেজ, অডিও এবং ভিডিও কল করতে পারবেন। অনলাইনের পাশাপাশি তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়ার অফলাইন সার্ভিসও রয়েছে। সেক্ষেত্রে আপনাকে অফিসে এসে কি ধরনের পাত্র-পাত্রী চাচ্ছেন তা জানিয়ে বায়োডাটা ও ছবি দিয়ে রেজিস্ট্রেশন করতে হবে। অনলাইন এবং অফলাইনে পাত্র-পাত্রীর বদলে অভিভাবকরাও রেজিস্ট্রেশন করতে পারবেন।
আদর্শ জীবনসঙ্গী খুঁজতে
তাছাড়া আপনি চাইলে আমাদের একজন কর্মকর্তা আপনার পার্সোনাল অ্যাসিন্টেন্ট হিসেবে কাজ করবেন। তিনি আপনার বায়োডাটা সবসময় আপডেট রাখবেন ও চাহিদমত প্রতিদিন আপনাকে ফোন/ইমেইলে উপযুক্ত পাত্র-পাত্রীদের প্রোফাইল পাঠাবেন। তাদের মধ্যে কাউকে আপনার পছন্দ হলে আমাদের প্রতিনিধি আপনাকে পাত্র-পাত্রী অথবা তার অভিভাবকের সাথে আপনার যোগাযোগের ব্যবস্থা করে দেবেন।
তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়ায় ডাক্তার, ইঞ্জিনিয়ার, বিসিএস ক্যাডার থেকে শুরু করে সচিব, প্রতিষ্ঠিত ব্যবসায়ী, শিল্পপতিসহ সব ধরনের প্রোফাইল রয়েছে। দেশের বাইরে অস্ট্রেলিয়া, কানাডা, যুক্তরাষ্ট্র, যুক্তরাজ্যসহ ইউরোপ ও আমেরিকার সেটেল্ড প্রবাসী ও সিটিজেন পাত্র-পাত্রীর প্রোফাইল পাওয়া যাবে। ম্যারেজ মিডিয়া সার্ভিস ছাড়াও আমরা এখন ওয়েডিং প্ল্যান, ওয়েডিং ফটোগ্রাফি, ওয়েডিং ভিডিও, এবং মেকাপসহ বিয়ের সব ধরনের সেবা দিচ্ছি।
জনপ্রিয় পত্রিকাগুলোতে তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়ার সফলতার গল্প
বর্তমানে তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়া বাংলাদেশের সবচেয়ে বেশী পাত্র-পাত্রীর বায়োডাটাসহ ১নং ম্যারেজ মিডিয়া হিসেবে সবার কাছে পরিচিত। এর মূল প্রমাণ পাওয়া যায় জাতীয় দৈনিক পত্রিকাগুলোতে তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়া সম্পর্কে প্রকাশিত সংবাদগুলোতে। বেশ কিছু জনপ্রিয় পত্রিকা এবং তাদের অনলাইন নিউজ পোর্টালে ম্যারেজ মিডিয়া সেবায় আমাদের সফলতার গল্প ফিচার করা হয়েছে।
১. গত ২৯ মে, ২০২১ তারিখে জাতীয় ’দৈনিক জনকন্ঠ’ পত্রিকার ’আইটি.কম’ পাতায় ’অনলাইন ম্যাট্রিমনিয়াল নিয়ে তাসলিমার উদ্যোগ’ শিরোনামে একটি ফিচার প্রকাশিত হয়। অনলাইনে ফিচারটি পড়তে এখানে ক্লিক করুন
২. জনপ্রিয় ইংরেজি দৈনিক ’The Business Standard’ পত্রিকাতেও আমাদের নিয়ে সংবাদ প্রকাশিত হয়। এটি প্রকাশিত হয় গত ২২ মে, ২০২১ তারিখে ’Panorma’ পাতায়। ফিচারটির শিরোনাম ছিলো ’How do real-life cupids arrange marriages?’ অনলাইনে লেখাটি পড়তে এখানে ক্লিক করুন
৩. ক্ষুদ্র ও মাঝারি উদ্যোক্তাদের সফলতার গল্প এবং সমাজের সার্বিক উন্নয়নের চিত্র নিয়ে বাংলাদেশের একমাত্র অনলাইন নিউজ পোর্টালের নাম ’উদ্যোক্তা বার্তা’। তাদের ওয়েবসাইটে ২৭ এপ্রিল, ২০২১ তারিখে তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়ার প্রতিষ্ঠাতা তাসলিমা আক্তারের উদ্যোগ এবং তার প্রতিষ্ঠানের কার্যক্রম নিয়ে বিশেষ সংবাদ প্রকাশ করে। এই সংবাদটি প্রকাশ করা হয় ’উদ্যোক্তা সফলতা’ পেইজে এবং শিরোনাম ছিলো ’সবার জন্য বিয়েকে সহজীকরণের ইচ্ছা থেকে উদ্যোক্তা তাসলিমা’। অনলাইনে লেখাটি পড়তে ক্লিক করুন এখানে।
৪. ‘সম্পর্কের সমন্বয় করছেন তাসলিমা’ শিরোনামে ‘দৈনিক ইত্তেফাক’ পত্রিকায় একটি ফিচার প্রকাশিত হয় ১০ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২১ তারিখে। লিখাটি প্রকাশিত হয় ‘প্রজন্ম’ পাতায়। এই সংবাদে তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়ার ১০ বছর পূর্তি অনুষ্ঠান এবং তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়াকে নিয়ে প্রতিষ্ঠাতা তাসলিমা আক্তারের ভবিষ্যৎ পরিকল্পনাগুলো তুলে ধরা হয়। এই ফিচারটির জন্য দৈনিক ইত্তেফাক পত্রিকার কাছে আমরা বিশেষভাবে কৃতজ্ঞ। অনলাইনে লেখাটি পড়তে এখানে ক্লিক করুন।
৫. জাতীয় ‘দৈনিক কালের কন্ঠ’ পত্রিকায় ‘বিয়ের যত কারিগর’ শিরোনামে বাংলাদেশের জনপ্রিয় কিছু ওয়েডিং প্ল্যানার এবং তার সাথে তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়ার কার্যক্রম প্রকাশিত হয়। লিখাটি প্রকাশিত হয় ২৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৯ তারিখে। সংবাদটি পড়তে পারবেন এখানে।
টিভি চ্যানেলে তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়া সফলতার গল্প
পত্রিকার পাশাপাশি বিভিন্ন টিভি চ্যানেলেও আমাদের সফলতার গল্পগুলো প্রচারিত হয়েছে। এর মধ্যে ‘Channel 24’ এর একটি ভিডিও দেখতে পারেন-
তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়ার প্রতিষ্ঠাতা তাসলিমা আক্তার সমাজের কল্যাণে তার উল্লেখযোগ্য অবদানের জন্য ২০১৬ সালে ’ঢাকা সংগীত একাডেমী’ থেকে ‘গুণীজন সম্মাননা’ পুরস্কার পান। এছাড়াও আমরা সামাজিক ও সাংস্কৃতিক অঙ্গনে বেশ কিছু পুরস্কার পেয়েছি। বর্তমানে তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়া দেশের সবচেয়ে বেশি পাত্র-পাত্রীর বিয়ে সম্পন্নকারী সবচেয়ে সফল ম্যাট্রিমনিয়াল প্রতিষ্ঠান। আমাদের প্রতিষ্ঠানের মাধ্যমে বিয়ে হওয়া পাত্র-পাত্রীদের মজার গল্পগুলো পড়তে এখানে ক্লিক করুন।
তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়ার সফলতার ৯ বছর পূর্তি অনুষ্ঠান
২০১১ সালে ম্যাট্রিমনিয়াল সার্ভিস নিয়ে যাত্রা শুরু করা তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়া প্রতিষ্ঠার ৯ম বছরে কোম্পানীর সকল কর্মকর্তা ও কর্মচারীদের নিয়ে বিশেষ অনুষ্ঠানের আয়োজন করে। ৯ বছর পূর্তি উপলক্ষে তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়ার অফিস সাজানো হয়েছিল ফুল আর বেলুন দিয়ে। সবাই মিলে কেক কেটে ৯ বছর পূর্তি উদযাপন করা হয়। অনুষ্ঠানে বিশেষ বক্তব্য রাখেন কোম্পানির প্রতিষ্ঠাতা এবং প্রধান নির্বাহী কর্মকর্তা তাসলিমা আক্তার। গ্রাহকদের ভালোভাবে ম্যাচমেকিং সেবা দেয়ার মাধ্যমে সবাই তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়াকে আরও সামনে এগিয়ে নিয়ে যাওয়ার প্রত্যয় ব্যক্ত করেন। এ আনন্দ আয়োজনে সবার জন্য ডিনারের ব্যবস্থা করা হয়েছিলো উত্তরা পার্টি সেন্টারের ভুতের আড্ডা রেষ্টুরেন্টে। নিচের ভিডিওতে ৯ বছর পূর্তি অনুষ্ঠানের বিশেষ ঝলক দেখুন-
সফলতার ১০ বছরে তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়া
২০২১ সালের জানুয়ারিতে ম্যাচমেকিং সার্ভিস নিয়ে দীর্ঘ ১০ বছর পূর্ণ করে তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়া। জাঁকজমকপূর্ণ আয়োজনের মাধ্যমে পালিত হয় সফলতার ১০ম বর্ষপূর্তি অনুষ্ঠান। আমাদের সম্মানিত গ্রাহকদের ভালোবাসা এবং শুভাকাঙ্খিদের অনুপ্রেরণায় আমরা এতদূর আসতে পেরেছি। প্রতিষ্ঠার পর অনেক বাধা-বিপত্তি অতিক্রম করে, নানা চড়াই-উৎরাই পেরিয়ে সফলতার সাথে ১০ বছর পূর্ণ করতে পেরে আমরা সত্যিই গর্বিত। গ্রাহকদের অনুপ্রেরণায় ম্যারেজ মিডিয়া সার্ভিস নিয়ে আমরা আরও দীর্ঘ পথ পাড়ি দিতে চাই। উদ্বোধনী অনুষ্ঠান, আমন্ত্রিত অতিথিদের বক্তব্য, প্রধান নির্বাহীর বক্তব্যসহ বর্ণাঢ্য সাংস্কৃতিক অনুষ্ঠানসহ সারা দিনব্যাপী বিভিন্ন আনন্দমূলক কার্যক্রমের মাধ্যমে কোম্পানির কর্মকর্তা ও কর্মচারীরা সফলতার ১০ বছর উদযাপন করেন। ১০ বছর পূর্তি অনুষ্ঠানের বিশেষ কিছু মুহূর্ত দেখুন নিচের ভিডিওতে-
তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়ার ভবিষ্যত পরিকল্পনা
তাসলিমা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়ার মাধ্যমে ম্যাট্রিমনিয়াল সার্ভিসকে দেশ এবং দেশের বাইরে প্রতিটি মানুষের কাছে পৌঁছে দিতে আমরা কাজ করছি। আমরা ম্যারেজ মিডিয়া সেবাকে আরও সহজলভ্য করতে চাই যাতে একদম নিম্নবিত্ত মানুষ থেকে শুরু করে উচ্চবিত্তরাও খুব অল্প সহজে আমাদের সেবা নিতে পারে। আমরা আমাদের সেবাকে দেশের প্রতিটি বিভাগ, জেলা, উপজেলা ও থানা পর্যায়ে পোঁছাতে চাই। এছাড়া দেশের বাইরে থাকা প্রবাসী বাংলাদেশীরা যাতে আরও সহজে পাত্র-পাত্রী খুঁজে নিতে পারেন তার জন্য আমরা বিয়েশাদী.কম নামে নতুন একটি ম্যারেজ সাইট চালু করছি। নতুন এই সাইটটি খুব শীঘ্রই চালু হবে ইনশাআল্লাহ্। আমাদের উদ্দেশ্য দেশের প্রতিটি থানা পর্যায়ে ন্যূনতম ১ টি করে ব্রাঞ্চ অফিস স্থাপন করা এবং বেকার তরুণ-তরুণীদের কর্মসংস্থানের ব্যবস্থা করা।
সাফল্য কারো জীবনেই একদিনে আসে না। সাফল্যর জন্য প্রয়োজন সময়, মেধা আর ধৈর্য্যের। প্রতিটি মানুষের জীবনেই ব্যর্থতা আসে, ব্যর্থতা জীবনেরই একটা অংশ। আমাদের আজকের এই সফলতার গল্পের মূল উদ্দেশ্য হলো আপনাকে ব্যর্থতার পর উঠে দাঁড়ানোর অনুপ্রেরণা দেয়া। তাই থেমে না থেকে ধৈর্য ধরে এগিয়ে চলুন। সফলতা একদিন আসবেই।
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{Tôi đã cực kỳ hài lòng khám phá trang web này. Tôi cần cảm ơn bạn {vì đã|dành thời gian cho|chỉ vì điều này|vì điều này|cho bài đọc tuyệt vời này!! Tôi chắc chắn thưởng thức từng một chút nó và tôi cũng đã đã đánh dấu trang để xem những thứ mới trên blog của bạn.|Tôi có thể chỉ nói rằng thật nhẹ nhõm để tìm thấy một người mà thực sự biết họ là gì thảo luận trên web. Bạn chắc chắn biết cách đưa một vấn đề ra ánh sáng và làm cho nó trở nên quan trọng. Nhiều người hơn thực sự cần đọc điều này và hiểu khía cạnh này của. Tôi đã ngạc nhiên rằng bạn không nổi tiếng hơn vì bạn chắc chắn nhất có món quà.|Rất hay bài viết. Tôi chắc chắn yêu thích trang web này. Tiếp tục làm tốt!|Thật khó tìm những người có học thức cho điều này, tuy nhiên, bạn nghe có vẻ bạn biết mình đang nói gì! Cảm ơn|Bạn nên là một phần của một cuộc thi dành cho một blog trực tuyến tốt nhất. Tôi sẽ khuyến nghị trang web này!|Một hấp dẫn đáng giá bình luận. Tôi tin rằng bạn nên viết thêm về chủ đề này, nó có thể không là một điều cấm kỵ chủ đề nhưng điển hình mọi người không thảo luận vấn đề như vậy. Đến phần tiếp theo! Trân trọng!|Xin chào! Tôi chỉ muốn đề nghị rất to cho thông tin xuất sắc bạn có ở đây trên bài đăng này. Tôi đang quay lại trang web của bạn để biết thêm thông tin sớm nhất.|Sau khi tôi ban đầu bình luận tôi có vẻ như đã nhấp vào hộp kiểm -Thông báo cho tôi khi có bình luận mới- và từ bây giờ mỗi lần được thêm vào tôi nhận được bốn email cùng chính xác một bình luận. Có một cách bạn có thể xóa tôi khỏi dịch vụ đó không? Cảm ơn rất nhiều.|Lần sau nữa Tôi đọc một blog, Hy vọng rằng nó không thất bại nhiều như bài này. Ý tôi là, Tôi biết điều đó là sự lựa chọn của tôi để đọc, nhưng tôi thực sự nghĩ bạn sẽ có điều gì đó thú vị để nói về. Tất cả những gì tôi nghe được là một loạt tiếng rên rỉ về điều gì đó mà bạn có thể sửa nếu bạn không quá bận tìm kiếm sự chú ý.|Đúng với bài viết này, tôi thực sự tin rằng trang web tuyệt vời này cần nhiều hơn nữa sự chú ý.
{Tôi hạnh phúc hơn cả vui để tìm thấy trang web này. Tôi muốn cảm ơn bạn {vì đã|dành thời gian cho|chỉ vì điều này|vì điều này|cho bài đọc tuyệt vời này!! Tôi chắc chắn thích từng một chút nó và tôi cũng đã đánh dấu trang để xem những thứ mới trên blog của bạn.|Tôi có thể chỉ nói rằng thật nhẹ nhõm để khám phá một người thực sự biết họ là gì thảo luận trên mạng. Bạn thực sự biết cách đưa một rắc rối ra ánh sáng và làm cho nó trở nên quan trọng. Nhiều người hơn nữa nên đọc điều này và hiểu khía cạnh này của. Tôi đã ngạc nhiên rằng bạn không nổi tiếng hơn vì bạn chắc chắn sở hữu món quà.|Tốt bài viết. Tôi hoàn toàn đánh giá cao trang web này. Tiếp tục làm tốt!|Thật khó tìm những người có hiểu biết sâu rộng về điều này, tuy nhiên, bạn nghe có vẻ bạn biết mình đang nói gì! Cảm ơn|Bạn cần tham gia một cuộc thi dành cho một trang web trên internet tốt nhất. Tôi chắc chắn sẽ khuyến nghị trang web này!|Một hấp dẫn đáng giá bình luận. Tôi tin rằng bạn nên viết thêm về chủ đề này, nó có thể không là một điều cấm kỵ vấn đề nhưng nói chung mọi người không nói về chủ đề như vậy. Đến phần tiếp theo! Chúc mừng!|Xin chào! Tôi chỉ muốn đề nghị rất cho thông tin tuyệt vời bạn có ở đây trên bài đăng này. Tôi sẽ là trở lại trang web của bạn để biết thêm thông tin sớm nhất.|Sau khi tôi ban đầu để lại bình luận tôi có vẻ như đã nhấp vào hộp kiểm -Thông báo cho tôi khi có bình luận mới- và từ bây giờ mỗi lần được thêm vào tôi nhận được 4 email có cùng nội dung. Có lẽ có một phương tiện bạn có thể xóa tôi khỏi dịch vụ đó không? Cảm ơn rất nhiều.|Lần sau Tôi đọc một blog, Hy vọng rằng nó không làm tôi thất vọng nhiều như bài này. Rốt cuộc, Tôi biết điều đó là sự lựa chọn của tôi để đọc hết, dù sao thì tôi thực sự nghĩ bạn sẽ có điều gì đó thú vị để nói về. Tất cả những gì tôi nghe được là một loạt khóc lóc về điều gì đó mà bạn có thể sửa nếu bạn không quá bận tìm kiếm sự chú ý.|Đúng với bài viết này, tôi thành thật nghĩ trang web này cần nhiều hơn nữa sự chú ý.
{Tôi rất vui khám phá trang này. Tôi muốn cảm ơn bạn {vì đã|dành thời gian cho|chỉ vì điều này|vì điều này|cho bài đọc tuyệt vời này!! Tôi chắc chắn yêu thích từng một chút nó và tôi đã đánh dấu để xem điều mới trên trang web của bạn.|Tôi có thể chỉ nói rằng thật thoải mái để tìm thấy một người mà thực sự biết họ là gì đang nói về trên internet. Bạn chắc chắn hiểu cách đưa một rắc rối ra ánh sáng và làm cho nó trở nên quan trọng. Nhiều người hơn nữa phải kiểm tra điều này và hiểu khía cạnh này câu chuyện của bạn. Tôi không thể tin bạn không nổi tiếng hơn vì bạn chắc chắn có món quà.|Tốt bài viết. Tôi hoàn toàn yêu thích trang web này. Tiếp tục với nó!|Thật khó tìm những người có hiểu biết sâu rộng về điều này, nhưng bạn có vẻ bạn biết mình đang nói gì! Cảm ơn|Bạn nên tham gia một cuộc thi dành cho một trang web trực tuyến tốt nhất. Tôi sẽ khuyến nghị trang web này!|Một hấp dẫn chắc chắn đáng giá bình luận. Không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa rằng bạn nên xuất bản thêm về chủ đề này, nó có thể không là một điều cấm kỵ vấn đề nhưng nói chung mọi người không thảo luận vấn đề những điều này. Đến phần tiếp theo! Trân trọng!|Xin chào! Tôi chỉ muốn cho bạn một rất to cho thông tin tuyệt vời bạn có ngay tại đây trên bài đăng này. Tôi sẽ là quay lại trang web của bạn để biết thêm thông tin sớm nhất.|Khi tôi ban đầu bình luận tôi có vẻ như đã nhấp hộp kiểm -Thông báo cho tôi khi có bình luận mới- và bây giờ mỗi lần được thêm vào tôi nhận được 4 email cùng chính xác một bình luận. Có một cách bạn có thể xóa tôi khỏi dịch vụ đó không? Cảm ơn bạn.|Lần sau nữa Tôi đọc một blog, Hy vọng rằng nó sẽ không làm tôi thất vọng nhiều như bài này. Rốt cuộc, Tôi biết điều đó là sự lựa chọn của tôi để đọc hết, tuy nhiên tôi thực sự tin bạn sẽ có điều gì đó thú vị để nói. Tất cả những gì tôi nghe được là một loạt khóc lóc về điều gì đó mà bạn có thể sửa nếu bạn không quá bận tìm kiếm sự chú ý.|Đúng với bài viết này, tôi thực sự tin trang web tuyệt vời này cần nhiều hơn nữa sự chú ý.
nice blog and really nice post. i like it. make a fanpage on facebook.
{Tôi khá hài lòng để tìm thấy trang web tuyệt vời này. Tôi muốn cảm ơn bạn {vì đã|dành thời gian cho|chỉ vì điều này|vì điều này|cho bài đọc tuyệt vời này!! Tôi chắc chắn thích thú từng của nó và tôi đã lưu làm mục ưa thích để xem điều mới trên trang web của bạn.|Tôi có thể chỉ nói rằng thật nhẹ nhõm để khám phá một người thực sự biết họ là gì thảo luận trực tuyến. Bạn chắc chắn nhận ra cách đưa một rắc rối ra ánh sáng và làm cho nó trở nên quan trọng. Nhiều người hơn phải kiểm tra điều này và hiểu khía cạnh này câu chuyện của bạn. Tôi không thể tin bạn không nổi tiếng hơn vì bạn chắc chắn có món quà.|Tốt bài viết. Tôi chắc chắn đánh giá cao trang web này. Tiếp tục viết!|Thật khó đến những người có kinh nghiệm về điều này, tuy nhiên, bạn có vẻ bạn biết mình đang nói gì! Cảm ơn|Bạn cần là một phần của một cuộc thi dành cho một trang web trực tuyến tốt nhất. Tôi sẽ khuyến nghị trang web này!|Một cuộc thảo luận thú vị chắc chắn đáng giá bình luận. Tôi tin rằng bạn nên xuất bản thêm về chủ đề này, nó có thể không là một điều cấm kỵ vấn đề nhưng điển hình mọi người không nói về vấn đề như vậy. Đến phần tiếp theo! Chúc mọi điều tốt đẹp nhất.|Xin chào! Tôi chỉ muốn đề nghị rất to cho thông tin xuất sắc bạn có ngay tại đây trên bài đăng này. Tôi sẽ là trở lại trang web của bạn để biết thêm thông tin sớm nhất.|Khi tôi ban đầu để lại bình luận tôi có vẻ như đã nhấp hộp kiểm -Thông báo cho tôi khi có bình luận mới- và bây giờ bất cứ khi nào có bình luận được thêm vào tôi nhận được bốn email có cùng nội dung. Có lẽ có một phương pháp dễ dàng bạn có thể xóa tôi khỏi dịch vụ đó không? Cảm kích.|Lần sau Tôi đọc một blog, Hy vọng rằng nó sẽ không làm tôi thất vọng nhiều như bài này. Ý tôi là, Vâng, đó là sự lựa chọn của tôi để đọc, dù sao thì tôi thực sự tin bạn sẽ có điều gì đó thú vị để nói về. Tất cả những gì tôi nghe được là một loạt phàn nàn về điều gì đó mà bạn có thể sửa nếu bạn không quá bận tìm kiếm sự chú ý.|Đúng với bài viết này, tôi nghiêm túc cảm thấy trang web này cần nhiều hơn nữa sự chú ý.
Thank your for share. I hope you will share again.
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{Tôi đã rất vui khám phá trang web tuyệt vời này. Tôi muốn cảm ơn bạn {vì đã|dành thời gian cho|chỉ vì điều này|vì điều này|cho bài đọc tuyệt vời này!! Tôi chắc chắn thích thú từng một phần nó và tôi đã đã đánh dấu trang để xem điều mới trong blog của bạn.|Tôi có thể chỉ nói rằng thật nhẹ nhõm để tìm thấy một người mà thực sự hiểu họ là gì đang nói về trên web. Bạn chắc chắn hiểu cách đưa một rắc rối ra ánh sáng và làm cho nó trở nên quan trọng. Nhiều người hơn thực sự cần xem điều này và hiểu khía cạnh này câu chuyện của bạn. Tôi đã ngạc nhiên bạn không nổi tiếng hơn vì bạn chắc chắn sở hữu món quà.|Rất hay bài viết trên blog. Tôi hoàn toàn yêu thích trang web này. Tiếp tục làm tốt!|Thật khó đến những người có kinh nghiệm cho điều này, nhưng bạn có vẻ bạn biết mình đang nói gì! Cảm ơn|Bạn nên tham gia một cuộc thi dành cho một trang web trực tuyến tốt nhất. Tôi sẽ khuyến nghị trang web này!|Một cuộc thảo luận thú vị chắc chắn đáng giá bình luận. Tôi nghĩ rằng bạn nên xuất bản thêm về chủ đề này, nó có thể không là một điều cấm kỵ chủ đề nhưng thường xuyên mọi người không nói về chủ đề như vậy. Đến phần tiếp theo! Chúc mừng!|Xin chào! Tôi chỉ muốn cho bạn một rất to cho thông tin xuất sắc bạn có ở đây trên bài đăng này. Tôi đang quay lại trang web của bạn để biết thêm thông tin sớm nhất.|Khi tôi ban đầu bình luận tôi có vẻ như đã nhấp vào hộp kiểm -Thông báo cho tôi khi có bình luận mới- và bây giờ bất cứ khi nào có bình luận được thêm vào tôi nhận được 4 email cùng chính xác một bình luận. Có một phương pháp dễ dàng bạn có thể xóa tôi khỏi dịch vụ đó không? Cảm ơn rất nhiều.|Lần sau Tôi đọc một blog, Hy vọng rằng nó không thất bại nhiều như bài này. Ý tôi là, Vâng, đó là sự lựa chọn của tôi để đọc, tuy nhiên tôi thực sự tin bạn sẽ có điều gì đó thú vị để nói. Tất cả những gì tôi nghe được là một loạt tiếng rên rỉ về điều gì đó mà bạn có thể sửa nếu bạn không quá bận tìm kiếm sự chú ý.|Đúng với bài viết này, tôi thành thật tin rằng trang web này cần nhiều hơn nữa sự chú ý.
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{Tôi cực kỳ hài lòng khám phá trang web tuyệt vời này. Tôi muốn cảm ơn bạn {vì đã|dành thời gian cho|chỉ vì điều này|vì điều này|cho bài đọc tuyệt vời này!! Tôi chắc chắn thưởng thức từng của nó và tôi cũng đã đã lưu vào mục ưa thích để xem thông tin mới trong trang web của bạn.|Tôi có thể chỉ nói rằng thật nhẹ nhõm để khám phá một người mà thực sự hiểu họ là gì đang nói về trên web. Bạn thực sự biết cách đưa một rắc rối ra ánh sáng và làm cho nó trở nên quan trọng. Nhiều người hơn nữa phải xem điều này và hiểu khía cạnh này của. Tôi đã ngạc nhiên rằng bạn không nổi tiếng hơn cho rằng bạn chắc chắn có món quà.|Rất hay bài viết. Tôi hoàn toàn yêu thích trang web này. Tiếp tục làm tốt!|Thật gần như không thể tìm thấy những người có kinh nghiệm trong chủ đề cụ thể này, tuy nhiên, bạn nghe có vẻ bạn biết mình đang nói gì! Cảm ơn|Bạn cần là một phần của một cuộc thi dành cho một trang web trên mạng có chất lượng cao nhất. Tôi sẽ khuyến nghị trang web này!|Một hấp dẫn đáng giá bình luận. Tôi tin rằng bạn nên xuất bản thêm về chủ đề này, nó có thể không là một điều cấm kỵ chủ đề nhưng điển hình mọi người không nói về chủ đề như vậy. Đến phần tiếp theo! Chúc mọi điều tốt đẹp nhất!|Xin chào! Tôi chỉ muốn cho bạn một rất cho thông tin tuyệt vời bạn có ngay tại đây trên bài đăng này. Tôi đang trở lại trang web của bạn để biết thêm thông tin sớm nhất.|Sau khi tôi ban đầu bình luận tôi có vẻ như đã nhấp vào hộp kiểm -Thông báo cho tôi khi có bình luận mới- và bây giờ mỗi lần được thêm vào tôi nhận được 4 email có cùng nội dung. Có một cách bạn có thể xóa tôi khỏi dịch vụ đó không? Chúc mừng.|Lần sau nữa Tôi đọc một blog, Tôi hy vọng rằng nó không làm tôi thất vọng nhiều như bài này. Rốt cuộc, Vâng, đó là sự lựa chọn của tôi để đọc, tuy nhiên tôi thực sự tin có lẽ có điều gì đó hữu ích để nói. Tất cả những gì tôi nghe được là một loạt tiếng rên rỉ về điều gì đó mà bạn có thể sửa nếu bạn không quá bận tìm kiếm sự chú ý.|Đúng với bài viết này, tôi hoàn toàn nghĩ trang web tuyệt vời này cần nhiều hơn nữa sự chú ý.
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To sign up for updates or to access your subscriber preferences, please enter your contact information. The contents of this factsheet were developed under grants from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR grant numbers 90DP0087 and 90DP0086). NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents of this factsheet do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. The first step to realizing this future of wellness is undergoing treatment at a drug rehab center. So come enjoy the comfortable, peaceful, and discreet recovery center and outpatient services Ascendant has to offer. The facility sits on 54 acres of land and has a team of medical and mental health professionals who keep up to date on the latest evidence-based practices for the treatment of addiction. This includes psychiatric evaluations, detoxification, and medication-assisted treatment (MAT) using Suboxone, methadone, or Vivitrol.
Rehabilitation can be helpful for conditions such as: Substance use issues often overlap with other mental health challenges. The interaction of symptoms can make diagnosis and treatment complicated. For example, symptoms of a post-traumatic stress disorder can become more severe with alcohol or other drug use. Likewise, substance use can become increasingly problematic as symptoms of trauma worsen. Your pace through outpatient rehab won’t be identical to those around you. While there are common milestones in healing from addiction, your treatment and recovery path is your own—based on your specific situation, challenges and needs. Like diabetes or hypertension, addiction is a chronic disease. Regaining and maintaining your health means learning to manage your symptoms, first within the structure and support of a treatment setting and eventually in your home environment where you’re in charge of your sobriety.
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Are you searching for a top-tier online casino savoir vivre in Colombia? Look no further than Casino Wplay, a important party line that has captivated the Colombian gaming customer base by means of storm. Whether you’re a prepared participant or a beginner exploring the area of online gambling, Wplay offers an amazing, fast, and user-friendly setting tailored to your needs. In this complete conductor, we’ll dive into all things you requisite to recognize with reference to Casino Wplay, from its victim offerings and bonuses to its juridical position and tips for maximizing your experience.
What is Casino Wplay?
Casino Wplay is inseparable of Colombia’s principal online gambling platforms, operated before Aquila International League S.A.S. Launched in 2017, it holds the division of being the first online casino to come into a permit from Coljuegos, the countryside’s endorsed gambling regulator. This milestone not only solidified Wplay’s credibility but also set a benchmark destined for legal online gaming in Colombia. Today, Wplay is synonymous with eminence pastime, sacrifice a boundless selection of casino games, sports betting options, and exclusive promotions.
With a meet on delivering a localized episode, Wplay caters specifically to Colombian players, supporting payments in Colombian Pesos (COP) and providing character brace in Spanish. Whether you’re spinning the reels on slots or placing bets on your favorite sports conspire, Wplay ensures a seamless and enjoyable experience.
Why Prefer Casino Wplay https://wplay-co1.krw0.com/ ?
When it comes to online casinos, players tease great deal of options. So, what makes Casino Wplay wait out? Here are some key reasons why it’s a top fitting seeking Colombian gamers:
1. Legal and Regulated Gaming
Casino Wplay operates comprised in a commission from Coljuegos, ensuring full compliance with Colombian gambling laws. This means you can play with peaceableness of reprimand, wily your funds and private word are secure.
2. Diverse Contest Piece
Wplay boasts an impressive library of games, including:
– Slots: From definitive fruit machines to present-day video slots with immersive graphics.
– Board Games: Blackjack, roulette, baccarat, and poker variants.
– Breathing Casino: Real-time gaming with professional dealers owing an bona fide casino vibe.
– Sports Betting: Wager on football, basketball, tennis, and more, with competitive odds.
3. Exclusive Bonuses and Promotions
Fresh players can kickstart their odyssey with a big-hearted salutation largesse, while regulars get off on ongoing promotions like manumitted spins, cashback offers, and loyalty rewards. Agree to an gaze on Wplay’s promotions chapter to maximize your winnings.
4. Mobile-Friendly Party line
Whether you’re at about or on the depend on, Wplay’s mobile-optimized site and dedicated app guarantee you not in a million years miss a moment of the action. Compatible with both Android and iOS devices, it delivers slippery gameplay and peacefully navigation.
5. Native Payment Options
Wplay supports a species of payment methods tailored to Colombian users, including:
– Bancolombia
– Efecty
– Visa/Mastercard
– PSE (Pagos Seguros en Linea)
Deposits and withdrawals are expeditious, fix, and hassle-free.
How to Become infected with Started with Casino Wplay
Get ready to solder together the fun? Signing up with Casino Wplay is spry and straightforward. Adopt these steps:
1. Upon the Lawful Website: Headmistress to the Wplay homepage (wplay.co).
2. Reveal an Account: Click “Sign Up” and fill in your details, including your style, email, and phone number.
3. Corroborate Your Individuality: As a regulated party line, Wplay requires accord verification to comply with Coljuegos standards.
4. Alluvium Funds: Determine your preferred payment method and add specie to your account.
5. Title Your Compensation: Turn on the receive put up and start playing!
Cap Games to Philander at Casino Wplay
Casino Wplay offers something as a replacement for everyone. Here are some universal picks to examine:
Best bib Slots at Wplay
– Book of Numb: An Egyptian-themed adventure with high payout potential.
– Starburst: A vibrant, fast-paced position ideal because of beginners.
– Gonzo’s For: Fasten the quest fit recondite treasures with cascading reels.
White-hot Casino Favorites
– Actual Roulette: Chance on your providential numbers with trustworthy dealers.
– Live Blackjack: Test your skills against the edifice in real time.
– Crazy Time: A titillating game show-style experience with beefy attain opportunities.
Sports Betting Highlights
Football reigns transcendent in Colombia, and Wplay delivers with commodious betting markets on Liga BetPlay, international leagues, and major tournaments like the Copa America.
Tips for Pleasant at Casino Wplay
While gambling is in great measure helter-skelter success rate, a insufficient strategies can add to your participation and raise your chances of success:
1. Plump a Budget: Take how much you’re willing to go through and stick to it.
2. Leverage Bonuses: Purchase acceptable offers and unfastened spins to continue your playtime without ancillary cost.
3. Learn the Games: Exercise let go versions of slots or chart games to realize the rules before betting real money.
4. Wager Dapper on Sports: Analysis teams, stats, and odds up front placing your wagers.
5. Drama Responsibly: Take breaks and avoid chasing losses to keep the facetiously alive.
Is Casino Wplay Appropriate and Legit?
Absolutely. As a Coljuegos-licensed supervisor, Wplay adheres to punctilious regulations to certify legitimate contend with and player protection. The programme uses SSL encryption to safeguard your evidence and offers as plain as day terms and conditions. Additionally, Wplay promotes important gambling with tools like entrust limits and self-exclusion options.
Wplay vs. Other Colombian Online Casinos
How does Wplay chimney-stack up against competitors like Bet365 or Rushbet? While all put forward trait gaming, Wplay’s rim lies in its:
– Localized Wisdom: Designed specifically for Colombian players.
– First-Mover Usefulness: As the trend-setter of legal online gaming in Colombia, it has built a putrescent reputation.
– Sports Betting Blurred: A standout have a role for sports enthusiasts.
Decisive Thoughts on Casino Wplay
Casino Wplay is more than principled an online casino—it’s a gateway to premium relief as a service to Colombian players. With its legal help, varying games, and player-centric features, it’s no catch red-handed that Wplay remains a favorite in the market. Whether you’re spinning slots, playing actual blackjack, or betting on your favorite team, Wplay delivers a thrilling and trustworthy experience.
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You may be a scientist in a Black Mesa-like facility as its overrun but monsters, but this time you’re no Gordon Freeman. You’re one of the eggheads left behind. It’s a different kind of survival game because you’re in a sprawling lab instead of stranded in the woods: harvest snacks from vending machines, fashion armor out of sofa cushions, and cannibalize broken computers for electronics. Abiotic Factor is bursting with fun twists on the survival formula, like a clever crafting system where you use your nerdy brain to come up with an “idea” for a new item, and a minigame you play while sleeping that buffs your rested status. Island King Pro With charming artwork yet punishing gameplay, Don’t Starve is an addictive challenge and one of the best survival experiences out there (and in a rare turn of events, one of the few games here to graduate from Early Access). The crafting is complex and satisfying as you attempt to survive busy days and deadly nights. Fight (and eat) animals, practice both science and magic, and keep an eye on your mental health so you don’t go insane. The standalone expansion Don’t Starve Together even lets you play with pals.
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